
One Smarter Health (OSH) has created 100/65™ (pronounced, “One sixty five”) as a tiered supply chain system created for surge response assets.


100/65™ uses a supply and demand analysis to define what a SKU based chronological response to a surge event should be to meet anticipated demand. The results of this analysis are used with a complete analysis of the Bill of Materials of the customer’s assets that they either currently have or are looking to obtain for surge response. The premise of 100/65™ is that all assets do not have to be created equal. While it is appropriate to have some assets 100% ready to go, it is appropriate to have some assets only 65% ready to go. This eliminates expensive, perishable overhead with business and supply chain practices that can be applied to a surge setting or environment.

The paradigm shift in disaster response is in the balance of overhead needed to accomplish the task of surge and emergency responses. Many responsible parties (ie Local, State, and Federal governments) are asset heavy but system poor. OSH offers other solutions that can be combined with 100/65™ï¸. Regardless, with OSH’s 100/65™ system, surge response can be changed from the current “push, build-to-stock” model to a modified push-pull system. While a pure pull system would be commonly known as a “JIT” or “Just in Time” system, a JIT system is not as responsive in the area of design or volume lead time as needed for a customized surge or disaster-based response scenario. The modified push-pull system modifies the system to take advantage of the two systems strengths while minimizing their constraints.


Historical assets are managed as individual programs dependent on particular responses that are defined as a total response capability of one individual asset or group of assets. This creates significant and unnecessary redundancy in response capability. The duplicity in response capability causes financial burden and ultimately assets being decommissioned or compromised such that they are no longer deployable. All of these results contribute to an incapacitated response instead of a capable response.

100/65™ is a revolutionary method to approach disaster and surge response in a fiscally sound manner. While 100/65™ accomplishes all the above stated goals, it also increases the response capability as material is pre-configured in common modules that allow a quick and custom final assembly to meet specific surge response needs.

Beavercreek, Ohio, USA +1 937 344 6241 info@onesmarter.com