One Smarter Health (OSH) has created Cross Asset Management™ (CAM) as a product (SKU) management system that is designed to look at the ability for product to “cross-over” the traditional boundaries. These product boundaries include:

  • Military / Civilian
  • Disaster / Disaster
  • Disaster / Healthcare
  • Healthcare / Surge
  • Federal / State
  • State / Local

This asset management system evaluates products in a purchaser’s inventory or a group of purchaser’s inventory and evaluates how current product is maintained and how product and services should be maintained to meet performance based goals of surge response.

We will use the military as an example to define the business case and provide a general example of this system.

Currently the “civilian disaster response world” has significant “caches” of materiel that are “push, build-to-stock” inventories. Such examples are Disaster Medical Assistant Teams (DMAT) caches, “Modular Emergency Medical System” or “MEMS style” caches, and bulk material purchased for emergency use. This materiel is never considered a part of the supply chain for the military despite the volume of materiel that is represented and stored on the civilian “side of the fence.” CrossAsset Management™ addresses the systems needed to allow civilian products to “cross over” and support military functions on both a domestic and international model.

While this will never be a primary supply chain for the military it will allow routine transfer of product to cross over with an appropriate shelf life and or act as an emergency back-up supply chain for the military. This method of back up system will assist the military in saving expedited ordering and shipping fees to prevent or respond to stock-outs in a military theater. The benefit to the civilian system is allowing product to be exchanged (ie rotated) at a nominal management cost and then back-filled at a normal replacement cost with new material. This functionally pushes the expiration of materiel approximately two years into the future in the civilian cache while decreasing costs associated to responding to surges in demand on the military side.

CrossAsset Management™ is a system that looks at applying basic supply chain principles to current medical/healthcare/military supply chains and the benefits of a collaborative supply chain and supporting system.

Beavercreek, Ohio, USA +1 937 344 6241